Residential Inpatient for Drug & Alcohol Abuse
Addiction is characterized by strong cravings and compulsive behavior involving substance abuse despite negative consequences. If you struggle with alcoholism, you might keep drinking even though you lose your friends, family, or job or endure significant emotional or financial costs. But residential inpatient rehab centers can help you overcome your addiction issues.
Understanding Cravings and How Residential Programs Can Help
Struggling with addiction means you are often painfully aware of the negative consequences of your actions, but you can’t stop because of the overwhelming cravings.
The cravings you get from drug addiction are impulsive urges tied directly to dopamine. These sudden, primitive urges differ from thoughtful, long-term goals like wanting to graduate with a degree or remodel your kitchen.
This kind of craving is sometimes referred to as incentive salient cravings. Repeated use of addictive drugs or alcohol means your brain’s dopamine system becomes sensitized, so it’s easier to activate, and that system produces more intense cravings that eventually cannot be ignored.
The first few times you try drugs or alcohol, you might feel a slight urge to do it again, but you can resist it. But repeated use means your cravings get stronger until you cannot stop yourself. When you reach this point, it can seem impossible to return to the way things were, but an inpatient substance-abuse treatment program can give you the skills to restore your brain function, regain control, and avoid a relapse.
Contact Find Luxury Rehabs to get help reviewing the best inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center.
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Get Confidential CallbackWhat to Look for in an Inpatient Addiction Treatment Center?
Family Integration
When you evaluate a residential drug treatment plan, look for a facility that integrates family therapy. Research indicates that if you have family therapy at the best inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center, your chance of completing your program increases by almost 10%.
Group Programs
Similarly, your inpatient substance abuse treatment should include equal numbers of group programs. Group therapy has been shown to improve functioning for:
- Interpersonal problems
- Academic or professional performance
- Emotional well-being
- Family relationships
- Social activities
Dual Diagnosis
If you are struggling with any mental health disorder, the best residential drug rehab center for you will be something that offers dual diagnosis services. Dual diagnosis.
When you look at a residential program, the best inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center is going to be the one that offers whatever amenities or therapies best suit your treatment needs. For some people, having access to nutritional classes during rehab is of particular importance, especially from an addiction to cocaine. Medication-assisted detox services are imperative for other people because of an alcohol addiction.
What Are the Most Common Symptoms of Drug Withdrawal?
Research indicates that one factor related to the treatment success of inpatient drug rehab is previous treatment. Many circumstances might result in somebody participating in a program that isn’t the best fit.