Vicodin Addiction Treatment
Every day, people across the country take a synthetic opioid medication called Vicodin. This medication can ease the impact of moderate-to-severe pain. It can also help relieve serious coughing. However, like all other opioids, Vicodin is potentially addictive. And once addiction occurs, it creates a chronic problem that’s best treated by experienced recovery specialists.
Need a Vicodin addiction specialist in your area? Turn to the extensive resources of Find Luxury Rehabs. Our mission is to help you find local providers who uphold the highest quality, comfort, and expertise standards. Get your search for effective Vicodin treatment underway today.
Find Luxury Rehabs does much more than find people a place to get over their addiction; we also have a network of resources that can help those with mental health problems as well. We have all levels of care available and can help you find the treatment you need for your issues no matter where you are.
Find Luxury Rehabs is an online service that can help match you with luxury drug and alcohol rehabs near you. Contact us today to learn more about treatment options in your area.
What Is Vicodin?
Vicodin is a hydrocodone combination product. This means that it contains hydrocodone as its main active ingredient and a secondary active ingredient. In the case of Vicodin, that secondary ingredient is acetaminophen.
Also sometimes known as Vicodin HP, Vicodin comes in tablet form. Each tablet contains a relatively small amount of hydrocodone and a much larger amount of acetaminophen. Why is acetaminophen added to hydrocodone? Research shows that this combination is more effective at relieving pain than hydrocodone alone.
Have more questions about Vicodin or hydrocodone? Use Find Luxury Rehab’s extensive resources to find the information you need.
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Get Confidential CallbackWhat Are the Long-Term Effects of Vicodin Abuse?
Vicodin is an effective pain medication and cough suppressant when taken as directed. However, far too often, people from all walks of life take it in excessive amounts. Some of these people hold a valid prescription for Vicodin. Others obtain access to it through other means. In either case, the common term for excessive use of the medication is Vicodin abuse. A more accurate term for the same behavior is Vicodin misuse.
Vicodin is an effective pain medication and cough suppressant when taken as directed. However, far too often, people from all walks of life take it in excessive amounts. Some of these people hold a valid prescription for Vicodin. Others obtain access to it through other means. In either case, the common term for excessive use of the medication is Vicodin abuse. A more accurate term for the same behavior is Vicodin misuse.
- 01. Clinical addiction to Vicodin or another opioid or opiate substance
- 02. A non-addicted pattern of use that makes them dysfunctional in at least one key aspect of everyday life
- 03. Lowered immune function
- 04. Increased susceptibility to pain
- 05. Endocrine system changes that alter normal sexual function in both women and men

What Causes Vicodin Addiction?
What are the conditions that create serious Vicodin problems and the need for Vicodin addiction treatment? In most cases, the origin point of eventual addiction is medication misuse. This misuse may spring from many different kinds of personal motivations, including:
- A desire to feel the euphoria produced by Vicodin again and again
- The wish to ease pain symptoms
- Curiosity about the recreational, i.e., non-medical, effects of Vicodin
- Pressure from peers or other social groups
You can find comprehensive treatment for Vicodin problems in a modern rehab center. The best of these centers combine state-of-the-art services with luxurious, comfortable surroundings. What kinds of treatments are used in a Vicodin rehab center? As a rule, recovery from any form of opioid addiction requires a combination of psychotherapy and medication. Therapy options used to help people affected by OUD include: